Monday, July 11, 2011

Jack Puts On Tefillin

On our last night in Jerusalem, we walked to the Western Wall from the Damascus Gate.  Women are not allowed to mingle with men at the Wall, so Amy and Elisse went to the women's section, and Jack and I went into the men's section. As we were leaving the Wall,  several Hasidic Jews asked us if we wanted to put on tefillin and pray with them. We politely refused. Then a Hasid who spoke perfect English started talking to us. He asked where we were from (he came from New York City), asked Jack how old he was, asked how long ago Jack had put on tefillin (Jack said about 30 years) and again asked Jack if he would put on tefillin. Jack said no, and then the Hasid said, "Jack, you are at the holiest place on Earth. Prayers that are said here are heard by God faster than anywhere else. If you won't put on tefillin and say a prayer for yourself, please do it for the Jewish people and the Jewish soldiers who protect Israel." What a sales pitch! Jack agreed to put on tefillin. The Hasid put the leather straps around his head and arm, led him in the prayer, then finished putting the straps around his fingers, and gave Jack a prayer to read. Jack finished reading the prayer, then the Hasid say, "Jack, close your eyes, think about all the people you love. Imagine them with smiles on their faces and being surrounded by light. Say a silent prayer for their health and well-being and thank God for all the blessings he has given you in your long life." It was a moving moment for me and, I'm sure, for Jack.
See the link below for information on tefillin:

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