Friday, July 8, 2011

Israel - Day 8

Today we visited the Israel Museum, which is a world-class facility. Highlights included seeing four old synagogues that have been reconstructed on the site, the Shrine of the Book, which houses the Dead Sea scrolls, and a beautiful sculpture spelling “love” in Hebrew letters, overlooking the hills of the city.

We also visited the Mahane Yehuda marketplace, which included many food stalls, kind of like Fanueil Hall on steroids. It was incredibly crowded with people shopping before Shabbat (everything closes in Jerusalem from Friday night to Saturday night for the Sabbath). You could get everything from fresh fish, chicken, fruits and vegetables, bread, desserts, and lots of other stuff. I bought a huge piece of coffee-flavored halvah, which is a sesame seed-based dessert. Amy bought chocolate ruggalah and a sweet challah (loaf of bread). This is the kind of stuff we just can't get in Salem, NH!!

We got prepared food from a small store just around the corner from our apartment for our dinner tonight. The woman there cooks the food with her mother. She just happens to have a best friend who lives in the Boston area!

Just about everyone here speaks English.  We ask lots of questions, especially directions for getting places, and people are eager to help us.

Tomorrow, we visit Masada and the Dead Sea.

Shabbat Shalom, everyone!

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